Avenue with Poplars, a Castle (?) in the Background
- Belgium, Antwerp, Plantin Moretus Museum, Print Room, inv. PK.OT.02843 , as Wildens, J.
Other title(s) |
Boomrijk landschap met landhuis
Laan met populieren, een kasteel (?) op de achtergrond
The Edge of a Forest with a Wooden Gate, Houses in the distance
Category | drawings |
Support | paper |
Medium | chalk, wash |
Composition | horizontal |
Dimensions | 15,5 x 28,5 cm |
Location | permanent collection |
Last attribution known | Dutch, XVIII |
Other attribution(s) | LDV; Flemish, XVII; Wildens, J. |
Work seen | no |
Our assessment | not by LDV |